Consultation Responses

Fatemah Khan

Fatemah Khan Team Assistant Fatemah is the Team Assistant at GuildHE and her work and organisational skills support all colleagues. Fatemah completed an undergraduate degree in Law and Masters in Policy, Conflict and Development, the content of which motivated her to...

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Dana Gamble

Dana Gamble Policy Manager (Skills, Innovation and International)Dana leads GuildHE’s programme of work for skills, innovation, place and international policy.  She covers our advocacy for skills issues across all GuildHE disciplines, including the public workforce,...

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Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor Chief Finance OfficerMark Taylor is responsible for the financial planning and control of GuildHE in liaison with the CEO, Deputy CEO and Operations Manager. Additionally Mark will be chairing the Finance and Fundraising Networks within GuildHE, working...

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Qasim Younis

Qasim Younis Policy and Public Affairs Officer Qas joins GuildHE as our Policy and Public Affairs Officer. He holds an undergraduate degree in Politics and International Relations, and a postgraduate degree in Political Communication. He has previously worked in a...

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