Consultation Responses

GuildHE Annual Report 2021-2022

GuildHE Annual Report 2021-2022

GuildHE Annual Report 2021-22 This annual report sets out the key issues that GuildHE has addressed over the last year. It begins by highlighting our key achievements, demonstrating successes in all areas of the GuildHE strategy, and then looks in more detail at our...

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Embracing diversity to expand knowledge and understanding

Embracing diversity to expand knowledge and understanding

Authored by Professor Nick Braisby, Vice-Chancellor, Buckinghamshire New University and GuildHE Board Diversity Champion 70 years ago, in 1952, the world was facing a choice – whether or not to respect the identity of sexual minorities. That year, the American...

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Are you ready for Data Futures?

Are you ready for Data Futures?

With all the excitement of the last few months, you might not have realised that we are finally in the first academic year of a new approach to data collection. The Data Futures project has been a long time coming, with the first working group meeting back in 2017. A...

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