Our News

Is there any hope for part time HE?

Is there any hope for part time HE?

GuildHE CEO, Gordon McKenzie has written a blog, 'Is there any hope for part time HE?', for wonkhe, which considers whether the current HE environment is suitable for part time study and what policy measures could be introduced to increase part time HE.   Read...

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Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Gordon McKenzie, CEO has written a blog, 'Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF', for wonkhe, on the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework emphasising the clarity of purpose, co-design with the sector and need for recognition of multiple dimensions of...

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Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Gordon McKenzie, CEO has written a blog, 'Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF', for wonkhe, on the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework emphasising the clarity of purpose, co-design with the sector and need for recognition of multiple dimensions of...

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Excellence in Diversity: A report celebrating the diversity of UK higher education

Excellence in Diversity: A report celebrating the diversity of UK higher education

GuildHE today publishes a report – Excellence in Diversity – celebrating the diversity of UK higher education. The report, written by Prof Paul Kleiman of Ciel Associates, highlights the outstanding contribution of the UK’s smaller universities, and regionally focused and specialist institutions to the nation’s economic, social and cultural prosperity.

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HEFCE QA Consultation

HEFCE QA Consultation

Commenting on the HEFCE consultation published today, Alex Bols, Acting Chief Executive, GuildHE said: "The HEFCE consultation provides an opportunity to consider how we continue to deliver high quality education to an increasingly diverse body of students over the...

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GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

Gordon McKenzie, currently Deputy Director, HE Strategy and Policy at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has been appointed as the new Chief Executive for GuildHE. Professor Joy Carter, Chair of GuildHE and Vice Chancellor of the University of...

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GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

Gordon McKenzie, currently Deputy Director, HE Strategy and Policy at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has been appointed as the new Chief Executive for GuildHE. Professor Joy Carter, Chair of GuildHE and Vice Chancellor of the University of...

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