Our News

Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

GuildHE has just published the fourth and last briefing in our Diverse Institutions Project looking at the contribution to the HE sector of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight. This briefing highlights the pivotal role that a...

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Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

GuildHE has just published the fourth and last briefing in our Diverse Institutions Project looking at the contribution to the HE sector of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight. This briefing highlights the pivotal role that a...

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HEFCE Research Funding Allocations

HEFCE Research Funding Allocations

GuildHE members stand out in the list of UK universities, recognised by HEFCE for the outstanding quality of their research. Of the top ten UK institutions to win the largest percentage increase in their research funding, five were GuildHE members. The Higher...

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Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

Research and Innovation

GuildHE has just published the third and penultimate briefing in our Diverse Institutions Project which focuses on the contribution to the higher education sector of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight. This...

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Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

Diverse higher education and world-class systems

GuildHE is launching a new series of briefings looking at the contribution of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight –from the highly specialised subject-specific institutions, to smaller institutions with just a few thousand...

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GuildHE Annual Conference Round-Up

GuildHE Annual Conference Round-Up

This year's GuildHE annual conference was held in the stunning Embassy Theatre at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama on the 11th and 12th of November. Both days were bustling with hard-hitting, thought-provoking and pertinent higher education activity....

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GuildHE Chief Executive announcement

GuildHE Chief Executive announcement

GuildHE will be recruiting a new Chief Executive in the New Year following Andy Westwood's announcement that he will be stepping down. Andy will take up his new role as Associate Vice-President for Public Affairs at the University of Manchester from February 2015 in...

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