Our News

Welcoming international students to the UK

Welcoming international students to the UK

By independent Think Tank Brightblue: International students enrich Britain economically, socially and culturally. But, worryingly, the number of student visas issued for all post-18 study has declined since 2009 and recently the number of full-time overseas entrants...

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Going International – more than milking the cash cow?

Going International – more than milking the cash cow?

Told time and again the value of International students is billions of pounds to the UK economy, that we are the number two destination in the world for foreign students, and that new lucrative markets are emerging, universities are frequently asking first "How shall...

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Going International – more than milking the cash cow?

Going International – more than milking the cash cow?

Told time and again the value of International students is billions of pounds to the UK economy, that we are the number two destination in the world for foreign students, and that new lucrative markets are emerging, universities are frequently asking first "How shall...

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CREST members receive HR Excellence in Research awards

CREST members receive HR Excellence in Research awards

Two members of the Consortium for Research Excellence, Support and Training (CREST) – the University of Chichester and Glyndwr University – have joined a growing network of HEIs across Europe and the UK in gaining the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European...

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International Education Strategy launch

International Education Strategy launch

Following the launch of the government's International Education Strategy today, Helen Bowles, Deputy CEO of GuildHE, said, "The emphasis on a collaborative approach between education and business, between public and private, and between students and  providers of...

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GuildHE elects new Chair

GuildHE elects new Chair

Professor Joy Carter, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Winchester, has been announced as the new Chair of GuildHE. Professor John Last, Vice-Chancellor of Norwich University of the Arts was elected as Vice-Chair. “I am delighted to be appointed as the new Chair of...

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International Education Strategy launch

GuildHE response to Spending Review

GuildHE CEO, Andy Westwood, said,   "The Spending Review for 2015-16 appears to be a 'better than expected' settlement for BIS. The cut at departmental level is significantly less than the expected 8-10% and is somewhere between 4.4 and 6% (when calculating...

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