NUS Report Broke and Broken

NUS has today published a detailed critique of the interaction of students with the way higher education is funded. GuildHE institutions take student opinions very seriously and we can recognise that this report “Broke & Broken” highlights real difficulties that students are now facing.

Alice Hynes, CEO of GuildHE said :

“The NUS report is a perceptive and debate-provoking document – it’s also a timely commentary as we look forward to 2009 and the re-examination of the fee- charging and bursary structures of the current model. The NUS rightly asks for the debate to be opened widely and to accommodate a range of issues.

How can a market really work for an activity like higher education that is not in essence about products and trading but actually about personal transformation and building an economic future for our society.

However, we would dispute that the current system is broken and needs wholesale reconstruction. Change should be gradual and not risk the stability of institutions with whom student make long working relationships. It is certainly worth reviewing what are the benefits, who receives them, who already contributes to make the funding system work. Like all these complex processes, change needs to be thoughtful and steady and we look forward to future discussions with our NUS colleagues and the DIUS review. 

Further information is available from the NUS website: