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GuildHE and The Physiological Society have today launched a new report, showcasing the impact of Sport and Excercise Science Education on the UK economy.

Download the key findings here.
Download the main report here.

Key findings
The report, Sport & Exercise Science Education: Impact on the UK Economy, finds that

  • Sport and Exercise Science (SES) graduates contribute almost £4 billion to UK economy every year, supporting almost 150,000 jobs
  • SES graduates earn nearly £670,000 more over career
  • For every £1 an SES student spends on their education, they get a gain of £5.50
  • SES Research is preventing and treating conditions and diseases that cost the NHS billions every year

The report the first independent analysis of its kind to quantify the impact of sport and exercise science education on the UK economy, it has been found that every £1 invested by a student in their SES education yields £5.50 in higher future wages. Graduates can expect to earn nearly £670,000 more over the course of their working life as a result of their SES education.

The report also finds that the economic benefits of SES courses are not limited to students and businesses. Graduates will contribute £7.8 billion to society and the public purse, through higher earnings, added tax revenue and savings to public services. 

Addressing global challenges
SES is a vital scientific discipline that plays an important role in the health and wealth of the nation. Obesity, diabetes, cancer, depression are all areas in which Sport and Exercise Science research is playing a pivotal role in improving the health of everyone. Research in these areas is preventing and treating conditions and diseases that cost the NHS billions every year and are becoming ever more important as we face the challenges of an ageing population. This week the British Heart Foundation found that the number of people dying from heart and circulatory diseases before they reach their 75th birthday is on the rise for the first time in 50 years, making this research even more important.

The analysis has been carried out by independent economy agency Emsi for The Physiological Society and GuildHE, working with 30 universities across the country and building on data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. It will be launched in Parliament on Wednesday 15 May at a reception hosted by the Shadow Education Minister, Gordon Marsden MP, with leading Sport and Exercise scientists, educators and practitioners from the across the UK.

  • The key findings report can be found here.
  • The main report, which includes additional case studies, can be downloaded here.
  • A shareable infographic is available here.
  • A selection of photos from the parliamentary launch event can be found here.


We’ve also prepared a series of short videos exploring some aspects of the report.

  • Video 1 highlights the report’s key findings.
  • Video 2 explains how physiology relates to sport and exercise science.
  • Video 3 summarises what students should take away from the report.