Policy and influence

GuildHE is an official voice for UK higher education, especially for universities and colleges with a tradition of learning, research and innovation in industries and professions. As a formal representative body, the Government consults GuildHE on higher education policies. As part of its lobbying work, GuildHE leads efforts to persuade the Government, politicians and official groups on issues around higher education. Our thinking helps influence the development of the Teaching Excellence Framework; Lord Stern’s review of the Research Excellence Framework; and the future regulation of the sector through the Higher Education and Research Bill. GuildHE promotes and maintains a distinctive, diverse, inclusive and internationally successful higher education sector in the UK, and articulates its benefits to students, employers and wider society.

GuildHE co-owns much of the sector’s infrastructure and nominates member Vice Chancellors and Principals to the governing bodies of the QAA, HESA, AdvanceHE, the OIA, JISC, the Higher Education Careers Services Unit and the Universities and Colleges Employers Association.