Our Blog

Student Loans, National Accounting and the ‘Fiscal Illusion’

Student Loans, National Accounting and the ‘Fiscal Illusion’

The ONS has announced that in future they will split the government’s spending on student loans into two parts. The proportion that’s expected to be paid back will be treated as lending, just like it is now. The remainder that isn’t expected to be repaid, will be treated as government spending.

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A Sustainable Future for HE?

A Sustainable Future for HE?

Without radical changes in the way we live, we could see droughts, floods, extreme weather events and mass extinction by the time this year’s Freshers turn 30. The sector can hardly claim to be preparing graduates for the future without addressing this reality.

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The Hunt for RED…in October

The Hunt for RED…in October

Hunting for silent submarines can feel quite similar to hunting for research and development funding to small and specialist higher education providers.

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It’s time to crack the echo chamber

It’s time to crack the echo chamber

We need to crack the higher education echo chamber we find ourselves in if we are to truly make positive changes in our communities and wider society. I’ve recently been to a couple of events and responded to a consultation that drive home the point that we, as higher...

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LAMDA joins GuildHE

LAMDA joins GuildHE

This week, GuildHE has welcomed LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Drama), as its newest member, taking total membership to 49 institutions. 

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