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Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

What are higher education data for? And whom do they serve? These questions were prompted by reflecting on and comparing what was said about data in the 2011 White Paper, Students at the heart of the system, and this month’s Green Paper, Fulfilling Our Potential. In...

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GuildHE response to the Nurse Review

GuildHE Response to Nurse Review Responding to the publication of Sir Paul Nurse’s Review of the Research Councils, Professor Joy Carter, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Winchester and Chair of GuildHE, said: “We welcome the recommendation that the dual funding...

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GuildHE response to the Nurse Review

GuildHE Response to Nurse Review Responding to the publication of Sir Paul Nurse’s Review of the Research Councils, Professor Joy Carter, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Winchester and Chair of GuildHE, said: “We welcome the recommendation that the dual funding...

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Statement of Good Practice

Statement of Good Practice

HEFCE, GuildHE, the Association of Colleges, the National Union of Students, Study UK, the Independent Universities Group and Universities UK announce the publication of the jointly developed Statement of Good Practice on higher education course changes and closures....

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Future of Quality Assessment

Future of Quality Assessment

As I finalise the GuildHE response to the HEFCE Quality Assessment Consultation I have been surprised by the strength of feeling that the consultation has provoked in the discussions I've been involved with, draft responses I’ve seen and the round-table that we...

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Autumn Term Blues

Autumn Term Blues

As we approach the beginning of September the HE sector is busy preparing for the new term, and worrying about the new term blues (well, there are no yellows left!) So what’s on the agenda for the term ahead? Teaching excellence and quality  New Head Boy, Jo, has been...

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