Our Blog

Carter and the Unstoppable Teach First Machine

Sir Andrew Carter is currently leading a review of the curriculum in Initial Teacher Training. He was appointed by Michael Gove to lead the work in May and he's due to report before the end of the year. That's a pretty tight timetable for both Carter and the...

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Carter and the Unstoppable Teach First Machine

Sir Andrew Carter is currently leading a review of the curriculum in Initial Teacher Training. He was appointed by Michael Gove to lead the work in May and he's due to report before the end of the year. That's a pretty tight timetable for both Carter and the...

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The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

It is now twenty years since the 1994 Education Act, an important moment for students’ unions. Much has changed since, both inside the student movement and outside where perceptions of students and representation has been constantly evolving. Read the full blog post...

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The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

It is now twenty years since the 1994 Education Act, an important moment for students’ unions. Much has changed since, both inside the student movement and outside where perceptions of students and representation has been constantly evolving. Read the full blog post...

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Bologna Matters

Bologna Matters

Alex Bols, GuildHE Deputy CEO, and Anne Corbett, author of Universities and the Europe of Knowledge (Palgrave 2005), review the Bologna Process

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What’s so special about specialist institutions?

What’s so special about specialist institutions?

Last month I highlighted the diversity of higher education institutions as one of the key features of the UK higher education sector and its outstanding global reputation. After a couple of weeks in the job this strikes me as an ever more important characteristic that...

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First Robbins, now it’s Crosland

Vince Cable gave a speech last week that most people won't have noticed or read. If you haven't, it's worth taking the time to do so. I think it's one of the best he's given on either FE or HE....

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The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

Diversity Matters

The strength of the UK higher education sector is in its diversity. This truism is often paid lip-service to by politicians, and some in the sector, before designing policy initiatives or funding streams that promote a “bigger is better” approach.   Higher...

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The 1994 Education Act and students’ unions

Diversity Matters

The strength of the UK higher education sector is in its diversity. This truism is often paid lip-service to by politicians, and some in the sector, before designing policy initiatives or funding streams that promote a “bigger is better” approach.   Higher...

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