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RAB – or the wizarding world of student finance?

Regulus Arcturus Black (1961 – 1979), also known as R.A.B., was a pure-blood wizard, born to Orion and Walburga Black, and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 apparently. Now I haven’t got the first idea what any of that means – which at least...

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RAB – or the wizarding world of student finance?

Regulus Arcturus Black (1961 – 1979), also known as R.A.B., was a pure-blood wizard, born to Orion and Walburga Black, and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 apparently. Now I haven’t got the first idea what any of that means – which at least...

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BIS Grant Letter to HEFCE

A Student Premium?

Which gives disadvantaged young (or older) people the better chance of wanting to do a degree and actually getting one – George Osborne’s commitment to taking the cap off full time undergraduate numbers in the Autumn Statement? Or the £330m Student Opportunity (SO)...

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BIS Grant Letter to HEFCE

A Student Premium?

Which gives disadvantaged young (or older) people the better chance of wanting to do a degree and actually getting one – George Osborne’s commitment to taking the cap off full time undergraduate numbers in the Autumn Statement? Or the £330m Student Opportunity (SO)...

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New FE colleges? Or a new policy for FE colleges?

New FE colleges? Or a new policy for FE colleges?

Today's headlines contain a catchy claim from BIS and from Matthew Hancock that the Government is opening a new FE college to help train the workers who will build HS2. According to the story, it's the first new FE college for twenty years. The college, to be sited...

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New FE colleges? Or a new policy for FE colleges?

New FE colleges? Or a new policy for FE colleges?

Today's headlines contain a catchy claim from BIS and from Matthew Hancock that the Government is opening a new FE college to help train the workers who will build HS2. According to the story, it's the first new FE college for twenty years. The college, to be sited...

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BIS Grant Letter to HEFCE

How do we save ‘Widening Participation’?

We don't talk about widening participation quite as much as we used to. Back at the time of the Dearing Review and New Labour's commitment to a 50% target and the economic and social benefits of mass higher education, we took it for granted. But not anymore. Access to...

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