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Creative Industries – Time to Tell Better Stories

Creative Industries – Time to Tell Better Stories

By Diane Coyle and Andy Westwood Do creativity and economics mix? Many creative people feel a certain degree of ambivalence about financial success; money is neither the only nor even the most important measure of success. Yet the UK has many enormously successful...

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Marathon Man

Marathon Man

Many of you may know that I've decided to run the London Marathon this year. I'm running for Scope - inspired partly by last year's Paralympics and partly by the support they give to disabled people every day. Many of you may also be surprised that I'm running at all....

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Marathon Man

Marathon Man

Many of you may know that I've decided to run the London Marathon this year. I'm running for Scope - inspired partly by last year's Paralympics and partly by the support they give to disabled people every day. Many of you may also be surprised that I'm running at all....

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University title will help society and sector value our creative thinkers

The future of creative education and why we should all care

Professor John Last, Principal, Norwich University College of the Arts (NUCA) questions what art and design education could look like by 2020 and what impact it could have on us all. David Cameron, speaking personally, has praised the value of a creative education. ...

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