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The future of creative education and why we should all care

The future of creative education and why we should all care

Professor John Last, Principal, Norwich University College of the Arts (NUCA) questions what art and design education could look like by 2020 and what impact it could have on us all. David Cameron, speaking personally, has praised the value of a creative education. ...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Three Clouds on the Horizon?

You could be forgiven for thinking that all is well - we've gone through the pain of reform and everything is now in place for the long term - the system, give or take a few thousand students (on a like for like comparison with 2011 this looks like we are over 50,000...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Immigration: politics matter more than statistics

In the last couple of weeks we have seen several media stories about immigration and international students. Eighty VCs and Chairs wrote to the PM to ask that international students be removed from the migration statistics. It's a very well organised and argued case -...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Changing university criteria doesn’t dilute the brand

I've had a small twitter row with Sussex University following their Vice Chancellor, Professor Michael Farthing's opinion piece in the THE attacking the Government's decision to lower the numerical threshold for university status. Recently in this blog I'd set out the...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Why being a University Matters

In last June’s Higher Education white paper (yes it really was that long ago), BIS declared their intention to reduce the qualifying threshold for university title from 4,000 to 1,000 students. All the other qualifying criteria - notably the need to hold degree...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Why being a University Matters

In last June’s Higher Education white paper (yes it really was that long ago), BIS declared their intention to reduce the qualifying threshold for university title from 4,000 to 1,000 students. All the other qualifying criteria - notably the need to hold degree...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Student Number Controls for 2013

Ministers have now made up their minds on student number controls for 2013 opting for an increase in contestable places with a shift from AAB to ABB and equivalents - further opening up the market at the top end. Core and margin will reduce significantly with just...

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Three Clouds on the Horizon?

Student Number Controls for 2013

Ministers have now made up their minds on student number controls for 2013 opting for an increase in contestable places with a shift from AAB to ABB and equivalents - further opening up the market at the top end. Core and margin will reduce significantly with just...

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