Consultation Responses

How do we maintain robust academic standards?

How do we maintain robust academic standards?

As the OfS’s consultation on Quality and Standards closes it is important to take note that last week’s raft of policy announcements made clear that the DfE is still likely to want to have a say on a number of related issues including what further reforms may be...

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GuildHE response to OfS Quality and Standards Review

GuildHE response to OfS Quality and Standards Review

GuildHE has published its response to the Office for Students Quality and Standards Consultation, 19th January 2021. The response outlines the English higher education sector’s strong record for delivering excellent higher education, whilst recognising the concerns...

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Anti-racism webinar two: Tesse Akpeki

Anti-racism webinar two: Tesse Akpeki

  Lead Governance Consultant at Bates Wells, a Senior Associate Consultant NCVO, a Chartered Secretary, Mediator, Coach and Facilitator, Tesse’s passion for bridge-building emerged as a result of her childhood years in care in Northern Ireland, where she...

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Knowledge Exchange Concordat statement

Knowledge Exchange Concordat statement

Statement in support of the launch of the opportunity to sign up to the Knowledge Exchange Concordat principles and development year for England  In the week beginning Monday 26th October, Universities UK and GuildHE launched the opportunity for institutions to sign...

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