Consultation Responses
GuildHE responds to DfE Higher Education and Lifelong Loan Entitlement consultations
GuildHE is pleased to set out its vision for a more flexible and responsive higher education sector in our response to the Government’s HE reform and Lifelong Loan Entitlement consultations. Policy Manager Kate Wicklow summarises our response in our latest blog....
GuildHE responds to OfS Quality Consultations
GuildHE has now published our formal responses to the OfS consultations on student outcomes, TEF and underlying data, and you can find the consultations below. Alongside submitting our consultation responses our Deputy CEO, Alex Bols, has published a blog on Wonkhe...
OfS specialist funding consultation response
Please find our consultation response here.
Unleash the untapped potential of smaller and specialist universities and colleges to enable sustainable growth
GuildHE’s submission to the 2021 government Comprehensive Spending Review
OfS Q&S Consultation response
GuildHE responds to the OfS Quality and Standards Consultation GuildHE and our members strongly agree that students should receive high quality teaching and learning, wherever and whatever they are studying. Universities and colleges are committed to continually...
GuildHE PQA Response
The DfE consultation closed this week on the future of university admissions. The consultation proposed a substantial timetable change which would have dramatic consequences on the sector, especially our members. We do not think overall that the proposals meet the...
GuildHE response to OfS Quality and Standards Review
GuildHE has published its response to the Office for Students Quality and Standards Consultation, 19th January 2021. The response outlines the English higher education sector’s strong record for delivering excellent higher education, whilst recognising the concerns...
Unleashing the potential of specialist and smaller higher education providers for economic recovery
Specialist and smaller universities, colleges and other higher education providers are agile, entrepreneurial and well positioned to support the recovery and growth of all parts of the UK. They are firmly rooted in the professions and businesses they serve and...
GuildHE response to: OfS Student Protection Directions
Whilst we disagree with the proposals as laid out in the consultation, we agree that there should be a new time-limited condition on Market Exit Plans for those providers at increased risk of market exit but we would need confirmation of the criteria, possibly...