Consultation Responses

HEFCE institution-specific funding consultation

HEFCE institution-specific funding consultation

GuildHE has responded to HEFCE's proposed approach to determining institution-specific funding allocations from 2016-17 onwards. You can view our full response here: Institution-specific funding consultation - GuildHE response

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GuildHE responds to the Higher Education Green Paper

GuildHE responds to the Higher Education Green Paper

GuildHE has responded to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Green Paper consultation: Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice. GuildHE welcomes the government’s focus on raising teaching standards and improving access to higher education.

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GuildHE responds to the Higher Education Green Paper

GuildHE responds to the Higher Education Green Paper

GuildHE has responded to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Green Paper consultation: Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice. GuildHE welcomes the government’s focus on raising teaching standards and improving access to higher education.

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NSS Consultation Response

NSS Consultation Response

GuildHE has responded to the Review of information about learning and teaching, and the student experience consultation issued by the UK funding councils. You can view our full response here: GuildHE Response - NSS Consultation

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BIS Student loan threshold consultation

BIS Student loan threshold consultation

GuildHE has responded to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills freezing the student loan threshold consultation. You can view the full response here: Student loan threshold consultation - GuildHE response The Times Higher Education has commented on our...

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