Universities from across the UK have agreed new principles to tackle grade inflation, reconfirming the sector’s strong collective commitment to protect the value of qualifications.

Universities from across the UK have agreed new principles to tackle grade inflation, reconfirming the sector’s strong collective commitment to protect the value of qualifications.

Universities from across the UK have agreed new principles to tackle grade inflation, reconfirming the sector’s strong collective commitment to protect the value of qualifications. This fresh commitment, published 21st July 2020 by Universities UK and GuildHE on...
What might the new normal look like?

What might the new normal look like?

As I’m sure we all have, I seem to have spent most of the last few weeks on Zoom, Teams, Skype, Hangouts and a variety of other video-conferencing tools. Indeed, just this week GuildHE has hosted five network meetings for staff within member institutions speaking to...