University: What’s in a Title?

University: What’s in a Title?

What is a university? This feels like a rather academic question, and indeed I did an essay on a fairly similar topic during my Masters. However, as I reflect on the recent Government Green Paper proposals surrounding university title and try and pin down my idea for...
Meeting the supply of teachers

Meeting the supply of teachers

Alex Bols, Deputy CEO, GuildHE has written a blog post for the British Educational Research Association (BERA) about meeting the demands of the teaching crisis and highlights two key issues to this problem – difficulty in recruiting and high exit rates. The full...
Enhancing student representation systems

Enhancing student representation systems

Alex Bols, Deputy CEO has written a blog for wonkhe on ‘Enhancing student representation systems’. Much has been made in recent years about whether students are consumers or partners in their education and placing students “at the heart of the system”....

Quality Strategy Network Conference

Alex Bols, Deputy CEO gave a speech at the Quality Strategy Network Conference on the 1st October. You can read the full transcript of the speech, below:   Introduction Our members reflect the diversity of the higher education (HE) sector: from multi-faculty...