Our Blog

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Gordon McKenzie, CEO has written a blog, 'Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF', for wonkhe, on the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework emphasising the clarity of purpose, co-design with the sector and need for recognition of multiple dimensions of...

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Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Gordon McKenzie, CEO has written a blog, 'Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF', for wonkhe, on the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework emphasising the clarity of purpose, co-design with the sector and need for recognition of multiple dimensions of...

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New blog post on the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF. Blog originally published on Wonkhe. Just before 1.00pm yesterday you could almost hear the collective intake of breath as vice chancellors around the country realised that the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) had just got serious.

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Launch of Excellence in Diversity Report

Launch of Excellence in Diversity Report

GuildHE launched the new report, Excellence in Diversity, at an event in the House of Commons yesterday. The event was attended by GuildHE members, sector representatives as well as MPs and Peers. Gordon McKenzie, GuildHE CEO, introduced Lord Curry of Kirkharle who...

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Student Voices heard at the University of Chichester

Student Voices heard at the University of Chichester

At the University of Chichester students are able to contribute to the development of their degree programmes through the Student Voice Programme. Each cohort (Year Group) for each course is able to elect one of their course mates to act as their “Student Voice”. As a...

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HEFCE Research Funding Allocations

HEFCE Research Funding Allocations

GuildHE members stand out in the list of UK universities, recognised by HEFCE for the outstanding quality of their research. Of the top ten UK institutions to win the largest percentage increase in their research funding, five were GuildHE members. The Higher...

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