GuildHE Strategy to 2020

GuildHE Strategy to 2020

GuildHE is pleased to launch its new strategic plan: GuildHE Strategy to 2020. GuildHE’s Strategy to 2020 highlights the five aims that will inform our work over the next four years. These are: – To provide an excellent service for our members – Work with our members...
Goodbye Mr Gove

Goodbye Mr Gove

First published in HE from Research Fortnight Higher education is working out what it thinks about the departure of the two longest-serving Conservative education ministers of recent times. One was feared and the other was liked. Both were totemic. Gove visibly shook...
Goodbye Mr Gove

The legacy of David Willetts

Originally posted on wonkhe on July 17th, 2014: It is with mixed feelings that the sector says goodbye to David Willetts. He has been in the higher education and science brief continuously since 2005 – two years as Shadow Secretary of State for education and skills in...
Welcoming international students to the UK

Welcoming international students to the UK

By independent Think Tank Brightblue: International students enrich Britain economically, socially and culturally. But, worryingly, the number of student visas issued for all post-18 study has declined since 2009 and recently the number of full-time overseas entrants...