Grant letter from John Denham to HEFCE

Grant letter from John Denham to HEFCEThe Government today has issued its grant letter to HEFCE providing some positive news give the gloomy economic background. Professor David Baker, Chair of GuildHE and Principal of University College Plymouth St Mark and St...

GuildHE Chair plans retirement

GuildHE Chair plans retirement The University College Plymouth St Mark and St John has today announced the retirement in the summer 2009 of the Principal, Professor David Baker. Professor Baker will be continuing with his role as Chair of GuildHE during this...

Open Letter to David Lammy and David Willetts

Open Letter to David Lammy and David Willets   GuildHE is standing up for the opportunities of students who are first to go into Higher Education and the value of an expanding HE provision as a key to economic and social prosperity.   Following its National...