Consultation Responses

Higher technical education reforms

Higher technical education reforms

Our CEO Gordon McKenzie has published the following statement, in light of the Department for Education's 'Reforming higher technical education' consultation response, released today (14th July): "GuildHE welcomes the government’s focus on getting more people...

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Delivering Practice-Informed Learning

This Sept 2019 report on Delivering Practice-Informed Learning is a follow-up report to our November 2018 report Practice-Informed Learning: The Rise of the Dual Professional. It seeks to provide advice and recommendations to support practice-based learning. Specific...

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Delivering Practice-Informed Learning

 This Sept 2019 report on Delivering Practice-Informed Learning is a follow-up report to our November 2018 report Practice-Informed Learning: The Rise of the Dual Professional. It seeks to provide advice and recommendations to support practice-based learning. Specific...

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Universities supporting their communities

Universities supporting their communities

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented the higher education sector with numerous challenges. However, the sector has come together and is certainly playing its part in supporting wider society. The online campaigns #UnisTogether, #unisupport and #wearetogether showcase...

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What do we want the new normal to look like?

What do we want the new normal to look like?

They say that a week is a long time in politics, but three weeks in the current situation feels like a lifetime ago! That was when I blogged about what some universities and colleges are thinking about for the next academic year and what the new normal might look...

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What might the new normal look like?

What might the new normal look like?

As I’m sure we all have, I seem to have spent most of the last few weeks on Zoom, Teams, Skype, Hangouts and a variety of other video-conferencing tools. Indeed, just this week GuildHE has hosted five network meetings for staff within member institutions speaking to...

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Launch of the Knowledge Exchange Concordat

Launch of the Knowledge Exchange Concordat

Download a copy of the Knowledge Exchange Concordat Visit the KE Concordat Portal Universities and other providers of higher education and research can build on their leading role in society and develop links between UK institutions, industry and local communities by...

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