Consultation Responses

Who governs the governors?

Who governs the governors?

The Committee of University Chairs have recently been consulting on their proposed new Code of Governance. The regulated higher education landscape – particularly in England – has changed almost beyond recognition since the Code was published 2014, and even since it...

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HE-BCI Consultation Response

GuildHE responded to the first part of the HE-BCI Review that is taking place during 2019/20. In particular, we argued that: The review offers a greater chance for HE-BCI’s use, especially when taken in the context of the KEF. At present, HE-BCI is focussed on...

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2020 Visions

2020 Visions

This blog by our CEO Gordon McKenzie first appeared on Research Professional News on 12 January. What might higher education expect in 2020? There are some known knowns. The Office for Students says it will publish the results of the Teaching Excellence Framework’s...

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Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education

Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education

The Climate Commission, launched in November by GuildHE, AoC, EAUC and Universities UK aims to achieve rapid and positive change that enables universities and colleges to contribute fully to tackling the climate crisis, recognising the different approaches which may...

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