Consultation Responses

GuildHE responds to OfS Quality Consultations

GuildHE responds to OfS Quality Consultations

GuildHE has now published our formal responses to the OfS consultations on student outcomes, TEF and underlying data, and you can find the consultations below. Alongside submitting our consultation responses our Deputy CEO, Alex Bols, has published a blog on Wonkhe...

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OfS Q&S Consultation response

OfS Q&S Consultation response

GuildHE responds to the OfS Quality and Standards Consultation GuildHE and our members strongly agree that students should receive high quality teaching and learning, wherever and whatever they are studying. Universities and colleges are committed to continually...

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GuildHE PQA Response

GuildHE PQA Response

The DfE consultation closed this week on the future of university admissions. The consultation proposed a substantial timetable change which would have dramatic consequences on the sector, especially our members. We do not think overall that the proposals meet the...

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GuildHE response to OfS Quality and Standards Review

GuildHE response to OfS Quality and Standards Review

GuildHE has published its response to the Office for Students Quality and Standards Consultation, 19th January 2021. The response outlines the English higher education sector’s strong record for delivering excellent higher education, whilst recognising the concerns...

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GuildHE response to: BEIS R & D Roadmap Survey

In our response to the BEIS R & D Roadmap Survey, we argue that currently research funding is concentrated mostly in a handful of institutions, within select regions. We point out that investing in R & D would help to lessen the social and economic impact of...

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