GuildHE Strategy to 2020

GuildHE Strategy to 2020

GuildHE is pleased to launch its new strategic plan: GuildHE Strategy to 2020. GuildHE’s Strategy to 2020 highlights the five aims that will inform our work over the next four years. These are: – To provide an excellent service for our members – Work with our members...
Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

What are higher education data for? And whom do they serve? These questions were prompted by reflecting on and comparing what was said about data in the 2011 White Paper, Students at the heart of the system, and this month’s Green Paper, Fulfilling Our Potential. In...
Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF

Gordon McKenzie, CEO has written a blog, ‘Removing the fuzzy edges from the TEF’, for wonkhe, on the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework emphasising the clarity of purpose, co-design with the sector and need for recognition of multiple dimensions of...