Consultation Responses

Student visa system – new briefing document

Student visa system – new briefing document

Universities UK, Guild HE, MillionPlus, the Russell Group, University Alliance and UKCISA have jointly produced a briefing document outlining how significant improvements could be made to the student visa route as the system is reviewed by government. It sets out...

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GuildHE Statement on Post-18 Funding Review

GuildHE Statement on Post-18 Funding Review

We need a post-18 education system that supports student choice, is fair to all learners and fully funds the costs of high quality higher and further education. Crucially, we must improve the skills base of the working age population if we are to increase UK...

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New research highlights limitations of LEO data

New research highlights limitations of LEO data

Graduate earnings are an unreliable measure of the value of university degrees and should not be depended on for setting tuition fees or the public funding of higher education. New research, commissioned by GuildHE with support from the HEAD Trust, and...

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About us

About us

GuildHE is an officially recognised representative body for UK Higher Education.

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GuildHE Responds to Post-18 Education and Funding Review

GuildHE Responds to Post-18 Education and Funding Review

GuildHE has responded to the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding, highlighting key priorities, including maintaining teaching quality, supporting mature and part-time learners, addressing student poverty, improving flexibility, and providing clarity for learners.

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Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

Doing the Math on Higher Education Data

What are higher education data for? And whom do they serve? These questions were prompted by reflecting on and comparing what was said about data in the 2011 White Paper, Students at the heart of the system, and this month’s Green Paper, Fulfilling Our Potential. In...

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Autumn Term Blues

Autumn Term Blues

As we approach the beginning of September the HE sector is busy preparing for the new term, and worrying about the new term blues (well, there are no yellows left!) So what’s on the agenda for the term ahead? Teaching excellence and quality  New Head Boy, Jo, has been...

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GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

GuildHE announces new Chief Executive

Gordon McKenzie, currently Deputy Director, HE Strategy and Policy at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has been appointed as the new Chief Executive for GuildHE. Professor Joy Carter, Chair of GuildHE and Vice Chancellor of the University of...

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Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

Educational Diversity and Social & Economic Mobility

GuildHE has just published the fourth and last briefing in our Diverse Institutions Project looking at the contribution to the HE sector of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight. This briefing highlights the pivotal role that a...

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Student Voices heard at the University of Chichester

Student Voices heard at the University of Chichester

At the University of Chichester students are able to contribute to the development of their degree programmes through the Student Voice Programme. Each cohort (Year Group) for each course is able to elect one of their course mates to act as their “Student Voice”. As a...

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Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

GuildHE has just published the third and penultimate briefing in our Diverse Institutions Project which focuses on the contribution to the higher education sector of a range of institutions that are often not featured in the national spotlight. This...

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Shoni Robertson-Finn

Shoni Robertson-Finn Operations Assistant Shoni supports the day-to-day functions of GuildHE, assisting the Chief Executive Officer and the wider team, and managing relationships with members. Shoni has a background in project coordination and executive support within...

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GuildHE Spending Review Submission

GuildHE Spending Review Submission

GuildHE has published a Spending Review submission in advance of the Labour Party Conference. In it, we argue that funding our sector to recognise it as a public good and ensure it can drive economic growth, rebuild our public services and tackle 21st century...

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GuildHE Results Day 2024 communications

GuildHE Results Day 2024 communications

Communication #1 "We’re wishing all the best and every success to our members, their teams and prospective students on a busy and important day as results are announced and key decisions are made. As a formally recognised body for UK higher education, we represent and...

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GuildHE welcomes LAMDA to GuildHE Research consortium

GuildHE welcomes LAMDA to GuildHE Research consortium

We’re pleased to announce that LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art) has joined the GuildHE Research consortium. "As a world-leading conservatoire, LAMDA develop creative practice, nurture skills and spark imagination. Already a valued member of GuildHE,...

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GuildHE signs up to the Technician Commitment

GuildHE signs up to the Technician Commitment

GuildHE are pleased to have signed up to the Technician Commitment. The Technician Commitment is a university and research institution initiative, led by a steering board of sector bodies, hosted by the UK Institute for Technical Skills & Strategy. The Commitment...

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New GuildHE CEO visits the University of Worcester

New GuildHE CEO visits the University of Worcester

On a visit on 30 July to the University of Worcester, GuildHE's Chief Executive Officer Dr Brooke Storer-Church met with Vice Chancellor Professor David Green CBE DL and toured the superb facilities, stating how impressed she was with the university’s approach to...

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