Consultation Responses

Consultation:Draft Higher Education Code of Governance

The Committee of University Chairs have recently been consulting on their proposed new Code of Governance. The regulated higher education landscape – particularly in England – has changed almost beyond recognition since the Code was published 2014, and even since it...

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HE-BCI Consultation Response

GuildHE responded to the first part of the HE-BCI Review that is taking place during 2019/20. In particular, we argued that: The review offers a greater chance for HE-BCI’s use, especially when taken in the context of the KEF. At present, HE-BCI is focussed on...

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MAC Consultation Response

GuildHE calls for immigration £21,000 salary threshold In our submission [highlight the word submission as a link to the submission] to the Migration Advisory Committee GuildHE calls for the minimum salary threshold to be reduced from the proposed £30,000 to £21,000....

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MAC Consultation Response

MAC Consultation Response

GuildHE calls for immigration £21,000 salary threshold In our submission [highlight the word submission as a link to the submission] to the Migration Advisory Committee GuildHE calls for the minimum salary threshold to be reduced from the proposed £30,000 to £21,000....

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GuildHE calls for immigration £21,000 salary threshold

GuildHE calls for immigration £21,000 salary threshold In our submission to the Migration Advisory Committee GuildHE calls for the minimum salary threshold to be reduced from the proposed £30,000 to £21,000. This lower threshold would mitigate some of impact of lower...

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