Tuesday 18 June 2024, 10:30am - 2:30pm
In person
GuildHE Research
Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square
London, WC1H 9HB

Research Leads – Pro-Vice-Chancellors of Research, Directors of Research, and their equivalents – from GuildHE Research member institutions will meet to discuss research and innovation policy developments, report back from institutions and sector groups, and co-develop activities and events to support research environments.

Speakers on key topics and services are also invited to attend every meeting, and updates on Shared Services are also provided to subscribers.

Agendas are confirmed with members closer to the time of the meeting. The meeting is chaired by Director of GuildHE Research Professor John Strachan.

Whilst these meetings are limited to our existing members, colleagues interested to join the consortium are welcome to observe a meeting to understand more about what we offer and to talk with peers from similar and like-minded institutions.

Contact us on [email protected] to find out more.