On 17 July, the Research Excellence Framework announced a diverse spread of 40 institutions selected to submit to the People, Culture and Environment (PCE) Pilot Exercise, with seven GuildHE members amongst them.
We are delighted to see seven of our GuildHE members selected to submit to the REF2029 People, Culture and Environment Pilot. This requires a significant commitment from them, but also presents a real opportunity to inform and shape this new part of the exercise in a way that reflects the valuable diversity of our sector.
We commend the REF for expanding the number of pilot institutions to incorporate a greater range of experiences in terms of disciplinary focus, specialisms, size of institution, and location. As a formal representative body, GuildHE is keen to see more diversity amongst those institutions feeding into key aspects of the HE landscape and architecture and this exercise is an important step in that direction.
GuildHE Research will continue to support our members in preparation for REF2029 and look forward to learning from the experiences of those involved.