After discussing the impact of our members’ contribution to their communities at the Labour Party Conference, we are pleased to say that GuildHE institutions have performed exceptionally well in the local growth and regeneration metric in the fourth Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). Just under 50% of the GuildHE institutions included in the KEF, received ‘very high’ or ‘high’ engagement with their local regions through growth, development and regeneration activities.
GuildHE institutions are embedded in their places, regions and communities with strong relationships with local government, businesses and partners. These higher education providers have consistently produced good results for regional growth in the framework and have again demonstrated their prime position to support the government’s aims to boost regional economies.
The institutions that have achieved strong results are across the full gamut of vocations GuildHE represents including creative arts and design, teacher training, music and performance, agriculture and food security, health, social care, policing and sport. These results show that this excellent practice is having a demonstrable impact on a diversity of sectors, industries and professions. This strong link between vocational diversity and high-quality regional development activity is evidence of the powerful regional impact these institutions have on both economic and social development and growth.
Additionally, a third of GuildHE members achieved high engagement results for the metric on graduate start-ups and continuing professional development. This evidence of good practice in delivering innovative new business, lifelong learning and a diversity of skills to regions across the UK, shows the capability of these providers to quickly and efficiently engage with their local communities to deliver the government’s aim to tackle regional inequalities and inclusively grow the economy.
We’ll be showcasing more specific members’ activities in this area over the coming weeks.