BIMM University is a leading provider of music industry education, offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as diplomas and certificates in various aspects of the music business and performance. BIMM’s mission is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and industry connections needed to launch successful and sustainable careers in the music industry.

The university's identity is shaped by its strong links with the music industry, its commitment to practical, hands-on learning, and its focus on developing students' creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. BIMM prioritises providing students with real-world experiences, industry insights, and networking opportunities that give them a competitive edge in the music industry job market.

BIMM is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, encouraging students to push boundaries and explore new musical horizons. The institution also supports research and knowledge exchange activities that contribute to the development of the music industry and enhance the student learning experience. BIMM's research ambitions focus on areas such as music business, music technology, and music performance, with the aim of generating insights that can inform industry practice and support the next generation of music professionals.