A new GuildHE is on the way

We're putting the final touches to a new website and an enriched offer for our members; with new resources, policy briefings and a fresh take on the needs of vocational and technical higher education provision.

To be a part of our journey:

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The GuildHE report ‘Tackling the Climate Crisis’ considers five critical elements of university activity: Leadership and Governance, Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange, Community Engagement, and Campus Management, supported by 12 case studies from our member institutions. Each of the individual case studies are linked below.

The report provides an in depth insight into how smaller and specialist universities and colleges within the UK are engaging with the issue at an institutional level. Read the full report authored by Dr Alex Bols, Deputy CEO, GuildHE and accompanying HEPI blog authored by Anthony McClaran, GuildHE Chair and Vice-Chancellor of St Mary’s University, Twickenham.

Case studies: Leadership and Governance
University College of Estate Management

Case studies: Teaching
Arts University Bournemouth

Leeds Arts University

Case studies: Research and Knowledge Exchange
Harper Adams University

University of Winchester

Case studies: Community Engagement
Royal Agricultural University

University of Winchester
University of Worcester
Writtle University College
York St John University

Case studies: Campus Management
Abertay University
Bath Spa University