GuildHE is a recognised representative body for UK higher education and the voice of 60 smaller and specialist universities, championing distinction and diversity in the sector

GuildHE’s 60 members include universities, university colleges, further education colleges and specialist institutions, representing over 250,000 students

Distinction and Diversity in Higher Education

From theBlog

Latest blog posts from GuildHE
Higher education funding: what are the options?

Higher education funding: what are the options?

  Part three - the funding options In the final blog in our series on Sustainability in HE Funding by GuildHE's Chief Finance Officer Mark Taylor, we consider which of five options could ‘future-proof’ the system and best maintain subject diversity, choice and...

Prioritising grant funding:  a GuildHE perspective

Prioritising grant funding: a GuildHE perspective

In our latest blog Dr Kate Wicklow, Policy Director, explores our perspective on prioritising grant funding, following the GuildHE response to the OfS funding approach consultation. The OfS receives £1.456 billion in public funds to allocate on key strategic...

Higher education funding: a brief history

Higher education funding: a brief history

Part two - a brief history of funding In the second of three blogs on 'Higher Education funding: are there any sustainable options?' by GuildHE's Chief Finance Officer Mark Taylor, we explore the impact of higher education funding models over the last 30 years, from...

GuildHE is a recognised representative body and official voice for UK higher education, especially for university and colleges with a tradition of learning, research and innovation in industries and professions. GuildHE promotes and maintains a distinctive, diverse and inclusive higher education sector.

GuildHE works with


Interacting through high quality political intelligence and briefing; direct support; and through networks that allow members and their staff to share and gain from each other’s experience and to shape and influence national policy positions.


Interacting through consultation and joint work with members, their students, students’ unions and NUS to celebrate and promote student engagement in institutions.

Higher Education Sector

Interacting through governance, co-ownership, and co- regulation.  GuildHE nominates member Vice Chancellors and Principals to the governing bodies of the QAA, HESA, AdvanceHE, the OIA, JISC, the Higher Education Careers Services Unit and UCEA.


Interacting through lobbying, research and policy influence; by developing collective policy positions in response to consultations; and through co-regulation and sector reform.

Member Institutions

Years representing Higher Education Institutions

Members include universities, university colleges, further education colleges and specialist institutions from both the publicly funded and private sectors. We provide: 


  • Timely access to advice and relevant material, including reports, research, and publications.
  • Opportunities to engage with related sectors and communities.
  • Access to data analysis and reviewed information.
  • Network events to meet and provide input into key policy discussions and consultations.
  • Advice to Government and official groups on issues around UK higher education.

Our Team

Dr Brooke Storer-Church

Dr Brooke Storer-Church

Chief Executive

Dr Alex Bols

Dr Alex Bols

Deputy CEO

Dr Kate Wicklow

Dr Kate Wicklow

Policy Director

Rachel Persad

Rachel Persad

Policy Manager (Research and Innovation)

Angellique Woolery

Angellique Woolery

Operations Manager

Tara McNicholas

Tara McNicholas

Senior Communications Officer

Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor

Chief Finance Officer

Dana Gamble

Dana Gamble

Policy Manager (Places and Knowledge Exchange)

Qasim Younis

Qasim Younis

Public Affairs Officer

Ellen Graves

Ellen Graves

Policy Officer

Dezrika Ramsey

Dezrika Ramsey

Senior Membership and Events Officer

Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.



If you would like to get in touch, please email

or call us on 020 3393 6134