GuildHE is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Brooke Storer-Church as the organisation’s new Chief Executive. Dr Storer-Church will take up the appointment at the end of June 2024 when the current Chief Executive, Gordon McKenzie, retires after nine highly successful years as leader.

Dr Storer-Church has extensive experience in higher education delivering significant contributions at national policy level and with university senior leaders. Previously, she has held senior posts at the OfS, Hefce and, most recently, at Birmingham City University where she was Director of Strategic Academic Engagement.

Anthony McClaran, GuildHE Chair and Vice-Chancellor of St Mary’s University Twickenham, said:

“I’m delighted to welcome Dr Brooke Storer-Church as our new Chief Executive on behalf of the member institutions of GuildHE. At a time of significant change and challenge for HE and the UK, the voice of GuildHE, as the representative body for over 60 universities, university colleges, FE colleges and specialist institutions, has a vital contribution to make. Brooke’s experience, both at institutional and national level, will ensure that GuildHE, through advocacy, policy development and effective networking, plays a key role in meeting the challenges of the future.”

“Brooke will be building on a strong legacy. Under Gordon McKenzie’s leadership, GuildHE has grown substantially in membership and in influence. Gordon has been a tireless advocate for our richly diverse part of the sector and for the value we bring to our students and communities and to the UK economy and society. His deep understanding of higher education policy and politics and wise counsel have been highly valued by the GuildHE Executive Board and the wider membership.”

Dr Brooke Storer-Church said:

“I’m thrilled to be working across the sector once again, now representing the interests of providers delivering distinctive provision and innovation to our sector. I’m looking forward to working with GuildHE members and those beyond our organisation as we tackle the most pressing challenges and identify exciting opportunities in the years ahead.”