Our Blog

Higher education funding: what are the options?

Higher education funding: what are the options?

  Part three - the funding options In the final blog in our series on Sustainability in HE Funding by GuildHE's Chief Finance Officer Mark Taylor, we consider which of five options could ‘future-proof’ the system and best maintain subject diversity, choice and...

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Higher education funding: a brief history

Higher education funding: a brief history

Part two - a brief history of funding In the second of three blogs on 'Higher Education funding: are there any sustainable options?' by GuildHE's Chief Finance Officer Mark Taylor, we explore the impact of higher education funding models over the last 30 years, from...

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Reflections on harassment and misconduct

Reflections on harassment and misconduct

I’ve recently spoken at several conferences on how the sector should respond to the OfS consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct, and ensure that we are creating safe, inclusive and supportive environments for our students.  In response, I believe that this...

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